Her er kravene i den nye Trident Alliance

Der er ikke kun NGO'erne, der kræver strammere miljølovgivning. Trident Alliancen med nogle af verdens største rederier mødes inden længe i København. Kravet til politikerne er mere kontrol med miljøsynderne.
Foto: OW Bunker
Foto: OW Bunker

ShippingWatch bringer her uddrag på engelsk af det White Paper, som ligger til grund for Trident Alliancen. Ti store rederier mødes den 28. maj i København for at lancere det utraditionelle initiativ, som skal få politikerne til føre en fast hånd over for de rederier, der ikke lever op til de nye svovlkrav i EU fra 2015.

Alliancen er åbne for alle rederier, der vil tilsutte sig principperne.

The Trident Alliance

The threat to business of weak enforcement of sulphur regulation is escalating fast. There is a clear and compelling need for responsible industry to take the initiative without delay to mitigate this threat and, in so doing, simultaneously serve the best interests of the environment and human health. By speaking with one, united voice responsible industry will have the greatest chance to bring about change.

Concept & purpose

The Trident Alliance will be a coalition of shipping owners and operators who share a common interest in robust enforcement of maritime sulphur regulation and are willing to collaborate to help bring it about. The alliance will also partner with other stakeholder groups, who share similar interest in robust enforcement, to work towards the same objective

The strengths and attributes of the different members and partners will be used to drive the various strategies identified to improve enforcement.

The group motto, to paraphrase JFK, is "Ask not what the Trident Alliance can do for you, but what you can do for the Trident Alliance" Members choose their level of involvement and contribute to the group objective in the way they deem most effective.

The group will meet on a periodic basis to review the progress of initiatives, exchange findings and align efforts.


Members of the Trident Alliance must:

Be committed to compliance with existing environmental regulations

Publically support robust and transparent enforcement of environmental regulations

Support penalties that are an effective deterrent to deliberate non.compliance

Believe officialdom must strive to create a climate of compliance

Joining the Trident Alliance

Membership is gained by signature of the Trident Alliance principles by the CEO of the party concerned.

Members will not be required do more than sign and adhere to the Trident Alliance principles, however in order for it to succeed a greater level of engagement will be encouraged.

The membership of shipping companies will be revoked if the member has been found in breach of sulphur regulations by a competent authority. Specifics of membership, such as the consequences of deliberate non-compliance (as found by a competent authority) and whether a revoked membership can be reinstated, will be agreed by the members in the first meetings of the Trident Alliance.

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